Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Phish - 2018-12-31 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

** This show was webcast via Live Phish.
** Trey and Mike came out to start the third set dressed in silver spacesuits.
** As Mercury progressed, acrobats appeared on stage in front of the band and were lifted up and down, each in their own (unbreakable) net.
** The midnight balloon drop consisted predominantly of silver balloons and streamers hung from the roof.
** During Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S., Trey and Mike were lifted up in the air (similar to the acrobats) while they performed the song and dancers appeared on stage with giant inflatable objects. DWD and Mercury were unfinished.

FLAC (Torrent): HERE!
Mp3 [V0]: HERE!
Please Seed The Torrents As Long As You Can. Please Don't Just Hit & Run.


  1. damn it feels good to a jooge-ster

  2. The download file is corrupt for the MP3. can you reupload?

    1. Explain. I dont know what you mean

    2. I ran into this issue too, it happens when you're running multiple downloads on
      ega. Just try to download this night solo

  3. Thanks! You are the best!

  4. Thank you for everything you do! Happy New Year!!

  5. Thanks for sharing! Anyone have the webcast available to download? I had crappy seats, and would LOVE a good view of the festivities.
