Thursday, January 2, 2025

Phish - 2024-12-31 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY


Trey teased In Memory of Elizabeth Reed during Stash. Throughout the show, a series of white coils turned while suspened over the stage. Trey teased Sigma Oasis during My Friend, My Friend, which did not contain the "Myfe" ending. The band came out for the third set in three matching blue jumpsuits and a blue donut mumu. During Pillow Jets, the coils started to descend and screens lit up behind them and throughout MSG. A fractured face came down and dancers (conjurors of thunder) came out with yellow fabric. The face came together as the countdown to midnight ended, after which the dancers removed their robes and took up glowing accessories. The dancers sang during Pillow Jets and What's Going Through Your Mind, which contained Blaze On, Bouncing Around The Room, Martian Monster, Wolfman's Brother, The Lizards, and Halley's Comet quotes. Life Saving Gun briefly featured Mike on a mini-keyboard. The narration in Icculus centered on Trey explaining that the omission of the song the previous year was a test. The dancers returned during Tweezer Reprise to throw beach balls into the crowd.


  1. Thank you so much! Wishing you a Happy New Year!! Thank you for helping us kick it off right!
