Saturday, May 16, 2020

Phish - 1994-05-02 Five Points Music Hall, Birmingham, AL (Set 2)

May 2, 1994
Five Points Music Hall
Birmingham, AL

Source: 3rd gen SBD cassette (pitch adjusted in Marantz PMD510) 

Set 2 Only:
1. Runaway Jim (last minute only, fades in)
2. Mound
3. Reba
4. Golgi Apparatus
5. Lizards
6. Julius
7. Lawn Boy
8. Mike's Song *
9. crowd

10. Cavern

* w/ Oteil Burbridge & Stacy Starkweather on basses, tape flip during jam.

FLAC & Mp3 [V0] - HERE!


  1. WOW! Thanks you for all the Spring 1994! A bunch of Phish you've been releasing are huge nostalgia rushes for me because my friends and I, just out of high school, went on Phish tour in Spring 1994. Starwood, 5 Points Music Hall, Laguna Seca Raceway, we were in the crowd! Thank you. :)

  2. Jooge - you are the best! Have a great Memorial Day!
    I know I will since I now have all this great music!
